On April 30, 2021 a family lost a faithful friend. Bob was around 18.5 years old and rescued by ARF in the spring of 2003. You may have even seen his photo in our brochures years ago and we’d classify this story as the best “foster fail” story ever.
The following note came in from Bob’s forever family:
“Today we said goodbye to our beloved, fur baby and best friend Bob The Dog. We will miss him so much.
Bob came to us, from Tracy’s involvement with Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF) 18 years and 5 months ago. He was about 3 months old when we got him, he was starving, had mange, and Parvo and the veterinarians wanted to put him down at that time. Well, he proved everyone wrong.
As he grew up with Charlie and Mango he would love to run in the field behind our house in Calgary. He was a good boy only got in trouble a few times, when Charlie and Bob would sneak out of the yard and run down to the Bow River for a swim. He had so many great dog friends throughout his life both in Calgary and Nanaimo, Thanks to all of them.
He was also a great singer in his younger days.
He had a good life, nice comfortable home lots of love from family, friends and all his dog and animal friends. And don’t forget the treats. The last few years of his life he even had his own Chicken Ladies on every Friday morning walk, (a very kind lady would cook a chicken breast the night before as a treat for the dogs on the path, but we know she liked Bob). He was well known at the local Elementary School Frank J Ney and even had his picture on the school bulletin board, when the grade twos would walk by in procession with teacher in the lead, they would all say hello to Bob The Dog and give him a pat on the head. The trail we would walk down every day (twice a day) he was known as the Wal-Mart Greater, having to stop and meet everyone. At the end of his walk, we had to have a drink of water then lie on the hill and just watch the world go by. At the age of 17 Bob (and Tracy) helped to raise money for an Animal Rescue by walking 17 times in 17 days around the local school, Bob was able to raise just over $9000.00.
Bob loved to lie outside either on his hammock or dog bed, would only want to come in the house when it started to get dark. He even had his own Funtie and Funcle to go visit and stay at when he got tired of mom and dad.
We love you and you will be missed our Bob.”
A family friend says that “Bob was a fixture of every early morning walk as he greeted the elementary school children on their way to class, and all the adult walkers and the other neighborhood mutts. He would be back out again for his afternoon shift. Accepting pats and rubs and the occasional treat. He loved people – especially children – and he was kind and friendly with all manner of other creatures. He gained some fame a year ago when he completed a number of laps around the school – sponsored by his fans – to raise funds for other pets in need. He was featured on local television. His 15 minutes of fame didn’t change him. He just kept walking and being the neighborhood dog.”
Run free, Bob. You were an amazing dog who did amazing things. We’ll all see you again one day.
Oh bless. What a wonderful tribute and now he is at the bridge waiting for you to come.