5739M: Beano

4.5 months old

Please note: We cannot guarantee the size or breed of our animals.

Meet Beano, a young, sweet, and friendly pup. His gentle nature makes him a perfect companion for children and his sociability ensures he gets along well with other dogs. Beano is not just playful and cuddly, but also smart. He has mastered basic commands and is crate trained, making him a great fit for any family. He’s always ready for a game of fetch or a cozy snuggle on the couch. Beano’s intelligence, playfulness, and affectionate nature make him a joy to be around. His adaptability to different environments and ability to interact positively with kids and other dogs are qualities that make him a great addition to any home. Adopt Beano and bring home a bundle of joy and unconditional love.

My ideal home will be excited to enroll us in the discounted training classes ARF offers, so we can start bonding and building our relationship on the right paw.

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