We just adopted Luigi. Our family had been looking for a second dog but finding a dog that was good with kids, our senior dog, 2 cats and our bunny was not an easy task. The online write up of Luigi sounded like the perfect fit, and we loved that adorable face so we filled out the adoption form right away. The adoption process went smoothly and ensured that Luigi was the right fit with our whole family. Luigi is an absolute dream family member. He is already learning the way we walk the kids to daycare, adapting to the new noises and smells of town, and winning over the hearts of our friends, kids and strangers alike. His calm demeanour and chill personality is amazing. We have all fallen completely in love with him! We have already had so much fun with him including river fun with friends and dogs, morning and evening walks, a photoshoot with my daughter for her birthday, a birthday party with a lot of kids and Luigi even went to my son’s daycare for show and tell. He is absolutely fantastic! And we have just signed up for some training with him that we are looking forward to. Thank you so much ARF for bringing Luigi into our family and our lives.

Luigi’s adventures with his new family